Arts & Culture
Our events have positive impacts that go well beyond what can be measured in economic terms. They contribute to the quality of life and strengthen the community by providing unique activities and events and building awareness of diverse cultures and identities and acting as a source of community pride and spirit. Keep your eye out for up-and-coming events i.e., Summer, Halloween, and Christmas Festivals.
The Crescendo Project
The Crescendo Project works with Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, Shankill Children’s Zone, and the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation at Queen’s University, Belfast to deliver musicianship and instrumental workshops to almost 600 P1, P2, P3, and P4 children across four Belfast schools. Good Shepherd, Malvern, Holy Evangelists, and Wheatfield.
All schools lie within areas of marked social deprivation.
Activity is led by Ulster Orchestra musicians, associates, and peripatetic tutors. The P1, P2, and P3 workshops link in with the Personal Development and Mutual Understanding aspects of the NI curriculum. The P4 pupils are engaged in small group tuition in violin, viola, double bass, cello, flute, and clarinet.
The project aims to provide pupils with access to high-quality music education throughout their primary school careers.
Crescendo Community Choir
Joining a choir has never been more popular and it’s easy to understand why: singing in a choir is a fantastic creative outlet and a great social activity. Crescendo Community Choir is a choir for people of all ages and experiences. Sessions are informal and members rehearse and perform a wide variety of music ranging from classical to pop, folk, jazz, musicals, and soul.
For further information please contact:
John Paul Russell
Arts and Cultural Development Officer
Tel: 028 9062 3813
Email: johnpaul@newcolin.com