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Exciting News for Colin Neighbourhood Partnership!

We're thrilled to announce that we have secured funds from the National Lottery's Dormant Accounts Funds to develop a revised strategic plan for our neighbourhood! This plan will be crucial in addressing the current needs of our community and ensuring that CNP remains on track to achieve its long-term goals.

CNP has a remarkable track record of delivering impactful services and programmes that have positively transformed the Colin neighbourhood. Our previous strategic plans, crafted in 2007 and 2013, have served as a solid foundation for progress, leading to significant improvements in education, environmental initiatives, and anti-social behaviour reduction.

At the heart of our success lies our unwavering commitment to understanding, creating, and delivering plans that align with the needs and aspirations of our community. This dedication to community-driven initiatives is the driving force behind our ability to attract and retain dedicated volunteers who share our passion for making Colin a thriving neighbourhood.

Recognising the dynamic nature of our neighbourhood, we acknowledge the importance of regularly reviewing and updating our strategic plan to align with the evolving needs and aspirations of our community. The dormant funds will empower CNP to embark on an inclusive strategic planning process involving residents, businesses, and other stakeholders.

We will be in contact with all residents in the New Year so you can have your say on plans for the Colin area. We would like to express our thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland

for supporting Colin Neighbourhood Partnership through the Dormant Accounts Fund NI.

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